Aug 21, 2018
This week's podcast episode is going to help you simply your life and business. The stress of chaotic schedules and spaces keeps us from living effectively. I know for me a few practical tips can make all the difference. Our guest this week has personally helped me simplify my own life through simple, easy-to-do daily changes. One small change got me thinking beyond my personal life to business. I can't wait to share a few tips to simplify your business today! Five Ways to Simplify Your Business 1. Simplify Your Paperwork In addition to a laundry mountain, I have mail mountain. It piles up high for weeks or months until I finally address it and sort it into neat stacks. What if we had permanent stacks? What if there were permanent places where those things go? What if we created, like my friend April Perry calls it, a Command Center? You probably already know the main categories of paperwork you encounter throughout the month in your business. Just start there. Do a little bit of work on the front end, and create spaces to sort your paperwork as it comes in! Whether it's your email inbox, your computer desktop, or a few literal spaces, this strategy is going to help reduce stress in the long run. 2. Simplify Your Workspace When my husband Matt and I were planning our wedding and had a larger invitation list than our budget would allow, our wedding planner provided us with a challenge: cut 10%. We eliminated 10% of our list by eliminating from each category. The same challenge can be applied to your workspace. What if you cut a percentage of what was there? Let's say 30%. Go into your work space and choose 30% of the items taking up space to sort, store, or throw away. Junk, clutter, and the seventeen pieces of artwork from your children are overwhelming your space. It's time to approach your workspace with an elimination mindset. Imagine creating a workspace you actually want to work in. You'll enjoy your work more when you've created a space that you love. Related: How to Have More Time 3. Simplify Your Product or Service Offerings When it comes to your customers, less is more. In products, design, and content, it's important to create clarity. If it's complicated to you, it's even more complicated to your customers. You want to make sure you have a clear path for your customers. A million options with a million varieties is not clear for your customers. It's overwhelming. Research shows the more options you give people, the less likely they are to buy. People do better with limited options. Get rid of anything in your product offerings that wastes space, doesn't sell, you don't enjoy making, or has a horrible profit margin. You'll leave more space and fewer options for your customers to actually buy what they want. 4. Simplify Your Website Just like with your product offerings, your website needs to be simple and clear for your customers. My friend Donald Miller says, "People don't buy the best products and services; they buy those they understand the quickest." People understand the fastest when you give them a few simple words. Everything needs to have a purpose and a point-every tab, landing page, and product description. If it doesn't, it doesn't need to be there. When I'm writing a talk, I challenge myself to write the "one sentence." What's the one thing I want people to know? Then everything I say points back to that one thing. Your website should be just like that! Your website is a source of communication with your customers. Make it as clear as possible. What landing page, words, or images are not the most important things you want your customer to know? What words are confusing? What words are a distraction? 5. Simplify Your Schedule Similar to your workspace, you can approach your schedule with an elimination mindset. Set a goal and take a percentage right off the top. It's time to find some margin, and the best way...
Aug 7, 2018
Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone If you want to go anywhere in business or life, you're going to need to get outside your comfort zone and try something new. How I Got Outside My Comfort Zone and Started the Business Boutique Podcast In 2016, when Business Boutique was just starting, my team and I decided to try something new. We knew we wanted another format outside of our event to share the message of Business Boutique. We decided to start a podcast. And to be honest, it wasn't my first choice. I would have much rather focused my attention and efforts on creating more video content. There were a few things that factored into our decision to pursue an audio format over video format, but one large factor was that I was pregnant with my second son, Conley. We knew that it would be difficult to record videos and maintain a consistent production schedule through my pregnancy and my maternity leave. So we decided to try something new with this whole podcast thing. Luckily it's worked. But when we first started recording the podcast, the format was hard for me. It was recorded. It wasn't live. There was no audience for me to interact with. It was just me. With a giant microphone in my face. Alone in a room with my podcast producer, Chris. To put it plainly, it was outside my comfort zone. I'm comfortable speaking to a live audience or on video. I felt limited with the audio format. I didn't know how to translate my emotions and my facial features over an audio podcast. I was afraid that my energy and excitement wouldn't translate. It was something I'd never done before. The Results of Trying Something New Despite my hesitation, I trusted my team. And I'm so glad I did. We tried something new and we've seen an incredible impact. We've reached over 2 million downloads and recorded 54 episodes. We've heard so many stories from listeners who have taken what they've learned and started businesses, grown beyond their wildest dreams, and made money doing what they love. Think of all the people who have been inspired because we chose to communicate information in a way that could be listened to in the car, on a run or while doing the dishes. It was all possible because we tried something outside my comfort zone. What does that look like for you? Related: Ep. 46-Use Your Gifts to Make a Difference Rethinking Your Comfort Zone We think of our comfort zone as something scary. But it's not just that. Pursing something outside your comfort zone doesn't mean that you always have to do something scary. It doesn't have to always be bigger or involve more risk; it might just be something that you've never done before-something that you're not comfortable with. That's why we call it a comfort zone. The Limits Your Comfort Zone Puts On You When we choose to live inside our comfort zones, we make statements about ourselves. I'm not a writer. I'm not business minded. I can't do it. I don't have enough time. We put limitations and labels on ourselves and then we live within them. But what if God doesn't agree with your labels? What if God wants to do something new in you-something outside your comfort zone? What if He doesn't have those same limitations for you? Related: Don't Let Fear Stop You From Starting What Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone When you choose to step outside your comfort zone, the thing that used to scare you actually becomes a part of your comfort zone. One day you look up and think, I can't believe I'm doing this. It all happens one baby step at a time as you learn, grow and become your new self. But it only happens outside your comfort zone. As you become more you can do more, and as you do more you can go after more things! In this episode I'm going to teach you: The three best things that happen when you step outside your comfort zone. How to embrace growth, learning and change. The importance of pushing past the limitations you...