Jun 26, 2018
I heard a statistic recently that absolutely shocked me: seven out of every ten Americans say they don't like their jobs. Um, what? I don't know about you, but that number floored me. I mean, let's think about it. Seventy percent of us show up day in and day out-like for at least eight hours at a time-to a job that we don't even enjoy? That's a whole lot of unhappy people, working a whole lot of hours, doing something they hate. Ya'll, I don't get it. That makes no sense to me. None. But maybe you're in that place right now. Or maybe you're wanting to make some extra money. Or maybe you just need a creative outlet. Regardless of your motivation, I've got a great solution. Have you ever considered starting a side hustle? Related: 27 Ways to Make Extra Money from Home Is It Possible to Grow a Side Hustle If I Work a Full-Time Job? What you probably don't realize is that what you know today as Business Boutique actually started as a side hustle-while I was working a full-time job! Let's just say, necessity is truly the mother of invention. When I was first pursing my passion as a coach, in order to get my coaching credential, I had to fulfill a certain number of hours, well, coaching. I wasn't a Ramsey Personality yet. In fact, I was only speaking on a part-time basis for our company. So I thought, why not start a little business on the side coaching others? That way, I could earn my business coach certification and earn some extra income. A win-win, right? Fast forward a few years and that side business has now evolved into Business Boutique. So no matter your schedule, obligations, and commitments, it's possible to start a side hustle and also work full-time. And with enough passion and determination, I know you can do it too. Related: How to Take Your Side Hustle Full Time How Do I Start a Side Hustle When I'm Already So Busy With My Full-time Job? I'm going to be completely honest. Working two jobs at the same time is not easy. You will be doing a lot of juggling. But side businesses are a great way to help you reach your goals. And finding work you're passionate about-work that is fulfilling and challenging and exhilarating-is worth every sacrifice along the way. Work can be fun, y'all! You can do something you love and get paid for it! Don't forget that. In this episode, we'll talk about: How to define the objectives of your side hustle The importance of setting goals Creative ways to find time When to ask for help Why to celebrate milestones When to turn a side hustle into a full-time gig Related: How to Have More Time My Guest This Week Is Jake Vehyl! My guest this week is Jake Vehyl, founder of Nashville-based cookie company Jake's Bakes! Five years ago, Jake had a full-time job-and a big dream of starting his own business. But like many of you, he didn't know how to do it or have a lot of money to sink into a new venture. That's when Jake made a very smart decision: to start small. Instead of going into crazy debt purchasing expensive commercial grade baking equipment, he found a restaurant to lease space from during off hours. That decision not only saved a ton of cash, but it allowed Jake to work his day job and then head to the restaurant afterwards to bake until midnight. Yes, the hours were insanely long-and his social life definitely took a backseat-but Jake is the first to tell you that all of that hard work paid off. In less than two years, Jake's Bakes expanded from a delivery-only business to their first retail storefront. And you won't believe how this story ends! Even Jake didn't see this coming. In this episode, Jake and I will talk about: How to figure out what kind of side hustle to start What to do when faced with initial obstacles How to manage inevitable risks Why a "perfect" plan does not exist How to know when to quit your full-time job Related: Ep. 44 How to Know If Your Business Idea Will Work Success...