May 1, 2018
Ronald Reagan once famously said, "There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit." I mean, have truer words ever been spoken? I don't think so. I love those words. I love the humility of them. I love the heart behind that sentiment. And I'd love to think that I live my life by those words every. single. day. But guess what? I don't. It's a real struggle for me. Words of affirmation are my love language. I'm just wired that way. It's hard for me to let go of my need for recognition-even a simple thank you-when I contribute to something. Related: Letting Go of Getting Credit Can I Still Make a Difference If I Don't Get Credit? Here's the thing: It's really not even about getting praise. When I don't get credit, I feel disappointed because I'm left wondering if I accomplished what I set out to do. Did I help anyone? Was I good enough? Did I make any sort of impact at all? Well, once I take a second to get over myself, I realize the answer to that question is a resounding yes! Do you know how I know that? It's because God calls each and every one of us to put others above ourselves. Period. And obsessing about being in the spotlight, getting a hundred "likes," or millions of followers on social media is the exact opposite of doing that. Y'all, each and every one of us is meant for more than that. We're bigger than that! In this episode, I'll talk about: The difference between taking credit and needing credit Taking control of your own happiness and keeping your expectations in check How seeking credit can actually get in the way of the impact you're trying to make Why a big platform doesn't guarantee a big impact My Guest This Week Is Shelley Giglio! My guest this week is Shelley Giglio, and she's making an impact in more ways than you can possibly imagine. Y'all, she is amazing. Shelley is the Chief Strategist, Director of Label Operations and Artist Management for sixsteprecords, cofounder of the Passion Movement, and leads The GROVE, a monthly gathering for thousands of women. If anyone can teach us how to make an impact, Shelley can. This woman can light up a room by just walking into it, and yet, she has made it her life's mission to elevate others above herself. Her mission is simple: to build a life that brings glory to God, because His glory is more important than her own fame. She'll help us care less about taking credit, and more about the difference we're making. I'm so lucky to call her my friend and I can't wait for you to get to know her better! In this podcast, Shelley and I will talk about: Why having to have the credit is ultimately meaningless Why the best leaders are also great followers Real, effective ways to make a real difference The secret to pushing past your fear Aligning your life with your gifts and goals Related: Ep. 40-Top Traits of Successful Women Success Story: Stacy MacDonald and made. Our incredible success story this week is Stacy MacDonald, owner of a jewelry line called made. She creates stunning earrings, necklaces, and bracelets using Quartz and Quartz Crystal that she-get this-hand mines (yes, she digs each one out of the earth!) from The Ouachita Mountains in her home state of Arkansas. Although she has always considered herself to be entrepreneurial, Stacy didn't set out to start a booming business. Instead, her jewelry line was born out of a desperate need for a creative outlet-she was hoping to remedy her nagging postpartum depression. It wasn't until she started successfully selling her jewelry at local craft shows and markets that she dared to start dreaming bigger. Today, even Stacy is still surprised by her own success. Not only has she crushed even her loftiest revenue goals, she is also considering growing her team! She credits her business for something much bigger than entrepreneurial success: her business delivered her from years of...