Jun 16, 2020
The Lies You're Believing (And Don't Even Realize) 0:56 Are Your Thoughts Beating You Up? Let's Change That. 16:35 The Shocking Truth About 80% of Your Thoughts with Jennie Allen 37:05 How You Can Stop Your Toxic Thoughts Resources Business Boutique ConferenceThe Business Boutique Conference is ON! Join Christy in Nashville on October 22-24 to learn how to launch and grow your own business. You'll be joined by rockstar speakers and other women just like you who are ready to use their God-given gifts to make money doing what they love. To save $10 on any Business Boutique Conference ticket, use the code BBWRIGHT. Christy's 5-Day Confidence BoostSign up for Christy's free 5-Day Confidence Boost. You'll receive five days of encouragement focused on helping you become a more confident you! Welcome to The Christy Wright Show! We're continuing to work through The Core of Confidence as we learn what it looks like to work on ourselves from the inside out. And today, we're taking a deep dive into what it looks like to protect your mind by learning how to control your thoughts. Jennie Allen, my good friend and bestselling author, joins us to chat about her new book and the topic of taking every thought captive. Then, we'll journal together, digging a little deeper into what protecting your mind actually looks like for you. Let's go! Are Your Thoughts Beating You Up? Let's Change That. We all have stories and narratives that play in the background of our minds all day, every day. Some of them are true, but many of them are not. And you know, it doesn't really matter what is true if you don't believe it, because what you believe is what you experience-whether it's true or not. The stories you believe and the thoughts that you accept and hold matter. The stories you believe in and the thoughts you have . . . they shape your behavior. They shape your reality. And they make up your life. God has a lot to say about our thoughts-what we think about and what we set our minds on. Romans 12:2 (NIV) says: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will." Isn't that what we all want-God's will? What is God's plans for us? What is God's direction? The Bible says you'll find it when you renew your mind. That means it's possible to renew your mind. It's possible to have new thoughts. It's possible to retrain your brain to find the truth in the lies and to break through the stories and limitations that have been holding you back. It's possible. It wouldn't say it if it wasn't possible. And that, my friend, is good news for me and you. The Shocking Truth About 80% of Your Thoughts with Jennie Allen I'm so excited to chat with Jennie Allen, my good friend and bestselling author. Jennie just launched her new book called Get Out of Your Head. Join us as we work through what it looks like to protect our thoughts by taking every thought captive. We cover: Having control over your thoughts Who is most susceptible to toxic thoughts The three main lies we believe What it looks like to take every thought captive How You Can Stop Your Toxic Thoughts Our Scripture of the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV): "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." I don't know about you, but that can sound overwhelming. But I love what Jennie Allen taught us-take just one thought captive. The idea that you have a choice, and that you don't have to be a victim of that thought or live in that lie. You get to choose what you think. You get to actually control and protect your mind. So, today, I want you to take this opportunity to ask God to reveal to you what you've been believing that isn't true. So, press pause and...